All Parent communications are now sent using our Parent Portal. If you have provided an email address to the school, you will automatically be provided an account. More information can be found here.
" Make Every Day Count "
St Paulinus' high standards strongly encourage children to be in school and on time every day.
We monitor our attendance regularly and where children's attendance falls below 95% the Principal or the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) will contact the family and arrange a meeting to discuss the issue. Where necessary support will be offered to how we can help you to improve the attendance of your child.
Punctuality is equally as important. If children are late for school they miss out on the regular morning routines and this often has a negative impact on the rest of their day. Late marks in the register will be monitored and where necessary followed up by the Principal.
If you know your child is going to be absent or late for school (for example for a medical or dental appointment) please inform the school office in advance.
We do not encourage any children to have time off school for holidays and will never give our authorisation for this. Permission for exceptional leave may only be given under VERY special circumstances and request must be made to the Principal in person and then in writing.