Our School

Our School Christian Vision & Values

We will seek to secure the best educational opportunities for all pupils of all abilities and backgrounds in an environment which will provide stimulation, challenge and enjoyment. 

The values informing the life and relationships of the school community will be those of the Christian Faith with Religious Education and Worship playing a significant role in nurturing the children’s spiritual growth. 

We shall endeavour to develop a mutually helpful school, embracing Pupils, Staff, Parents and Governors, fostering supportive links between school, home, church and the wider community.

Our aim is for our pupils to live out the belief that:

As children of God at St Paulinus, we strive to nurture the gifts given to us by God so that our school is a happy, caring place where everyone is valued, safe and able to learn and grow.

In order that all the children in St Paulinus learn in a happy environment where they are able to achieve their very best and are prepared for the next stages in their lives, we aim to:

  1. Provide and develop a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum which ensures continuity and progression
  2. Recognise that children are individuals and that each one has different needs.
  3. Ensure children acquire personal and moral values based on the Christian doctrine and have confidence to make and hold moral judgements.
  4. Motivate our pupils through our own enthusiasm and by creating a stimulating environment.
  5. Set high but achievable standards. Children will be made aware of our expectations through the praise of their best efforts.
  6. Work towards the child becoming increasingly responsible for his/her learning.
  7. Help children to understand and modify their own behaviour and so develop self-discipline.
  8. Encourage children to adopt a questioning approach to work in all areas of the curriculum.
  9. Provide a caring environment where each child knows she/he is valued.
  10. Develop a sense of togetherness through daily worship and to be aware of the close links between the school, parish church and local community.
  11. Develop a partnership with parents in promoting the education of their child.

These are the Christian Values we have chosen to represent our school. As children and adults of God at St Paulinus, we use these values to help us act and behave in the right way. We believe we were given these gifts by God in order to use them to the best of our abilities.







