Year 3

Welcome to Y3,

This is where we will share with you important information about our class and we will also tell you about the learning have done.

Our new Maths helper videos are now up and running and available on our APAT YouTube channel. These videos explain how Maths is taught in our school and across the APAT trust;  they are an excellent resource to support children's learning at home. Click on the link below to access.

Find below details of the homework changes moving into the Spring term.

Amadeus Maths Helper Videos

PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays and children may continue to come to school in their PE kits. This consists of a white PE top, red shorts, white socks and a plain navy blue tracksuit.

Mr Hogan 


Reading is a whole school priority. It is incredibly important that we work together to foster a love of reading for pleasure and make sure that our children are not just excellent decoders but understand what they are reading too.

Children in Y3 are expected to read at least four times a week and have their diaries signed by a parent. Tricky or new words can be noted in their reading diaries to enable the children to investigate their meaning. If your child does not find any new words in their text - the book is not challenging enough! 

Homework dates:

Weekly homework will be set every FRIDAYDetails of their tasks will be explained in class and students will bring their Homework Folders home to complete the work independently. Homework is due in the following FRIDAY, it can be handed in anytime before then but please make sure that your child has a copy of their spelling words to practise at home!

If your child is absent, their homework will be available for them to collect when they return.

Spellings will come home in the homework books for revision and will be tested in class, written in their spelling books each Friday.

Times tables:

Times tables will be set and assessed weekly through timetable rockstars. 

Mental arithmetic homework will also be set each Friday being sent home in the homework books.

Tasks will be marked in class and any misconceptions addressed in the lesson.