Collective Worship
“We will seek to secure the best educational opportunities for all pupils of all abilities and backgrounds in an environment which will provide stimulation, challenge and enjoyment. The values informing the life and relationships of the school community will be those of the Christian Faith with Religious Education and Worship playing a significant role in nurturing the children’s spiritual growth. We shall endeavour to develop a mutually helpful school, embracing Pupils, Staff, Parents and Governors, fostering supportive links between school, home, church and the wider community.”
Children learn the distinctive features of different Christian traditions in Worship; the seasons of the Churches' year and Christian Festivals are celebrated annually. Children are encouraged to create their own prayers, pray individual prayers and join in whole school prayers too.
Aims for a daily act of worship:
- To provide the opportunity for pupils to worship God and root each day in prayer
- To educate pupils in the Christian doctrine, and acquaint them with the liturgical practices and language of the Christian faith, as expressed within the Church of England.
- To develop the pupils spiritually, consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore their own beliefs.
- To develop community spirit, promote a common Christian ethos and shared values and reinforce positive attitudes.
- To encourage participation and response, whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to and joining in the worship offered.
- To allow children to explore a relationship with God as Father, Son and Holy spirit
- To reflect on the school Christian values of Respect, Thankfulness, Forgiveness, Friendship, Hope and Peace at school, home and in everyday life